Mammoth RX


Data Management

Streamline processes across your operations with tools designed to consolidate fragmented data sources, analyze large volumes of information and automate actionable outcomes.

Available Solutions (3)


Unlock the Power of AI
in Medicine.

Unlock the Power of AI </br> in Medicine.

Accelerate personalized medicine across the research and pharmaceutical industries with Credibl. This robust platform consolidates fragmented data that can be used for AI and predictive analytics to elevate R&D outcomes. All while ensuring optimized data security and confidentiality.

Discover Credibl
Unlock the Power of AI </br> in Medicine.

Healthcare Communication.
Transformed Through AI.

Healthcare Communication. <br/> Transformed Through AI.

Unlock unprecedented efficiency in research and medical writing with MedPress. Our AI-powered platform instantly analyzes documents and generates professional-grade summaries, transcriptions, case reports and more. 

Discover MedPress
Healthcare Communication. <br/> Transformed Through AI.

Maximize Health
Data Monetization.

Maximize Health <br/> Data Monetization.

Maximize revenue generation with Hippo Connect. Our intuitive platform enables physicians and organizations to efficiently capture, organize and monetize health data, fostering improved healthcare outcomes and additional revenue opportunities.

Discover Hippo Connect
Maximize Health <br/> Data Monetization.

Unlock the Power of
Integrated Patient Care.

Unlock the Power of <br/> Integrated Patient Care.

Unlock unparalleled efficiency with unified medical records across the healthcare ecosystem. Plug MD bridges the gap between different healthcare providers and facilities, allowing for instant access to a patient’s medical history.

Discover Plug MD
Unlock the Power of <br/> Integrated Patient Care.

Let’s Solve Your Healthcare
Technology Challenges Together.

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